Verification Module

In the verification process, there are several key stages, as illustrated in the image. These stages are fundamental to how we handle verification, both pre- and post-OP_CAT. Let's break it down:

  1. State Change Commitment: The operator first commits to the initial state (z0). This marks the beginning of the verification sequence, where the operator submits their proposed state transition.

  2. Assertion: The operator commits to a series of state changes (z0 ... zk), creating a sequence that represents the full proof of the state transitions. These assertions serve as checkpoints for verification and offer a pathway for challengers to question the validity of the proofs.

  3. Challenge Period: At this stage, any external party (referred to as a "challenger") has the ability to challenge the assertions made by the operator. This challenge period is critical in ensuring the integrity of the state transitions. If a challenge arises, it opens up the opportunity for scrutiny.

  4. Fraud Detection: If a challenger can prove that the function (f(zi-1) ≠ zi), indicating a mismatch in the state transition, fraud is detected, and corrective measures are taken. This step plays a key role in ensuring that no invalid state transitions make it to the final stage.

  5. Final State Change: If no valid challenges are raised, or if the operator successfully proves the validity of the state transitions, the state change is considered valid. This means that the entire proof has been verified and can be committed to the Bitcoin blockchain.

In both pre- and post-OP_CAT scenarios, this verification module plays an essential role in maintaining the integrity of zk-proof verification on Bitcoin. While pre-OP_CAT, these processes are computationally heavier and slower, post-OP_CAT enables a far more efficient workflow. With OP_CAT, the concatenation of verifier functions allows for smoother and more cost-effective batching of proofs, ensuring scalability without compromising on security.

By integrating OP_CAT, LayerEdge enhances the ability to scale zk-proof verification on Bitcoin, ensuring that even under the most complex computations, we maintain trust and efficiency in verifying transactions across the network. The process of concatenation guarantees that any fraudulent actions are caught in time, while valid state changes are seamlessly approved. This provides a strong, scalable, and secure solution for zk-proofs on Bitcoin, both pre- and post-OP_CAT.

Up next, we'll discuss aggregation and how it further reduces verification costs, ensuring cost-efficient scaling across protocols.

Last updated